JAMU Spices

JAMU means “healing through herbs, flowers, and roots”

Jamu Spices: A Brief Overview Jamu spices are a fascinating variety of natural spices and herbs used in traditional Indonesian medicine ( jamu medicine ). In this section, we provide a basic introduction to the subject to ensure that even readers without prior knowledge get a clear overview.

The Importance of Jamu Spices in Indonesian Culture In Indonesia, the use of jamu spices has a long tradition. These natural treasures have been used for generations to promote health and treat various ailments. Here we look at how deeply rooted these spices are in Indonesian society.

Why Jamu Spices Are Gaining Prominence Around the World While jamu spices have been used in Indonesia for centuries, they are also gaining popularity internationally. More and more people outside Indonesia are discovering the many uses and health benefits of these spices. In this section, you’ll learn why jamu spices are experiencing a renaissance around the world and how they are being used in modern health and wellness trends.

Read on to discover the exciting world of Jamu spices and how they not only enhance the taste of dishes but also have amazing healing properties.

Curcuma or turmeric originates from South Asia and has been used as both a spice and a remedy in India for several thousand years. The yellow root belongs to the ginger family, but does not taste as hot as ginger, but rather mildly spicy and slightly bitter.

The whole root of Curcuma longa has been used for thousands of years in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for a wide variety of ailments. Meanwhile, countless scientific studies have investigated the health benefits of turmeric. The best-researched ingredient is curcumin, which also gives turmeric its bright yellow colour.

The essential oils and phytonutrients make coriander a medicinal plant. American researchers found that coriander contains a substance that has a natural antibiotic effect. The substance called dodecenal, which both dried and fresh coriander contains, proved to be the only naturally occurring antibacterial substance that is two times more effective than the antibiotic gentamicin, which is usually used against f.ex. salmonella. Thanks to its numerous essential oils (linalool, geraniol, borneol, coriandrol), coriander can also relieve cramps, aid digestion and inhibit inflammation. When it comes to detoxification, coriander is one of the secret weapons. Japanese researchers found out, that coriander can even dissolve highly toxic mercury from the body. It also helps to eliminate other heavy metals and toxins as quickly as possible. While Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have long known about the healing power of coriander for digestive complaints, modern science is now also interested in its soothing effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The field of application ranges from loss of appetite and stomach pain to diarrhoea, flatulence, bloating and irritable bowel syndrome.

Although neither appearance nor taste suggests it, the fact is, that botanically, cardamom belongs to the ginger family. Unlike ginger, however, only the fruit capsules of the perennial reed plant are harvested. Shortly before the small green capsules burst open, they are collected and dried. The time-consuming harvesting by hand is the reason why cardamom is still considered the most expensive spice in the world after vanilla and saffron. Nevertheless, cardamom is a very important spice, especially in Asia.

The essential oils in cardamom not only provide the ravishing taste but also have a healing effect. Even the ancient Romans used it to cure the consequences of their legendary binge eating. It is certain that cardamom has a particularly beneficial effect on a stressed stomach, aids digestion and relieves both flatulence and cold symptoms.

Vanilla belongs to the orchid family and originates from Mexico. In Central and South America, it was used centuries ago to refine bitter cocoa. Vanilla was first brought to Europe by the Spanish conquerors. Among the Totonaks, vanilla was considered an effective aphrodisiac and there might actually be something to this because chemically vanillin is similar to the sex attractant pheromone. The Totona women are even said to have rubbed vanilla on themselves in order to appear more seductive.

Vanilla is not only beneficial for love and lust though. Numerous studies have shown that the substances it contains are especially good for the soul. The scent of vanilla alone has been proven to alleviate stress, restlessness, anxiety, depressive moods, insomnia and, by the way, hunger. The reason is that vanilla stimulates the production of the happiness hormone serotonin in the brain. In naturopathy, vanilla is also considered effective for upset stomach, nausea during pregnancy and coughs. Used externally, for example as an essential oil, vanilla is said to have antifungal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Some naturopaths, therefore, treat skin diseases such as neurodermatitis or eczema with it. Vanilla’s main flavouring vanillin is said to have various positive effects on our body, like mood-lifting and can therefore help with depressive moods or anxiety, which is why many candles, bath additives and body care products are scented with vanilla. Vanilla-scented products are also recommended for those with a sweet tooth, as vanilla is said to curb the desire for sweets.

Chillies are the small fruits of the spice pepper plant. Botanically, they belong to the berry fruits. The chilli comes from Central and South America. We owe its spread to Christopher Columbus, who brought the plant to Europe at the end of the 15th century.

As a medicinal plant, the pod from the nightshade family has been under scientific attention for some years. Especially the “pungent” capsaicin is attributed to numerous positive health effects due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Capsaicin is an alkaloid from the group of capsaicinoids, which is one of the hottest known substances. Ingested via JAMU No3, the active ingredient of the chilli pepper is traditionally recommended for digestive problems, circulatory problems, skin diseases, muscle pain and last but not least, as an aphrodisiac. Research is also looking at the potential of capsaicin for chronic inflammatory diseases (especially arthritis), migraine, bladder weakness, high blood pressure and ulcers. Recent studies now reveal intriguing links between capsaicin and dying cancer cells as well as lowered blood lipid levels. Fresh chillies contain three times as much vitamin C as citrus fruits therefore can be used to strengthen the immune system. It also protects the body against infections, and make you happy! The capsaicin causes a burning sensation in the mouth, to relieve the pain, our body releases adrenaline and endorphins, so eating chilli can lift your mood. The fruit has antibacterial properties. It fights off pathogens such as bacteria or fungi, which improves the conditions for food storage and hygiene. Foods that have chilli added to them last longer. This is sometimes one of the reasons why people often cook and eat spicy food in warm countries and in countries with inadequate hygiene standards. Bacteria already present in the stomach are killed by eating spicy food. In addition, more gastric juice is produced. Foods that are difficult to digest are thus more digestible and broken down more effectively. In addition, acidic digestive juices have an antibacterial effect. They can prevent harmful microorganisms from reaching the intestine. This prevents gastrointestinal infections and diarrhoea. Chillies get the circulation going. The capsaicin stimulates blood circulation and heats up the body from the inside. Helping f.ex. against cold feet. It has a positive effect on colds because the fruit affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. This means that the nose is cleared and it is easier to cough up. On top of that chilli is said to help prevent obesity. The capsaicin speeds up the metabolism and reduces the formation of fat cells.

Fennel originates from the Mediterranean region. The ancient cultures of Arabia and China already knew fennel and used it as a remedy. In addition to the seeds that the flower produces, it also grows a tuber that is used as a vegetable in the kitchen and as a natural remedy. The relatives of the tuberous plant include dill, carrots and celery. In terms of taste, the spicy plant is reminiscent of aniseed and can be described as liquorice-like.

Probably the most surprising information beforehand: this healthy vegetable contains twice as much vitamin C as oranges! In fact, 100 grams of the spice come with a whopping 93 milligrams of the vitamin. Those who want to lose weight can also spice up their meals with fennel because with a water content of up to 80%, the plant has just 18 kilocalories per 100 grams. Fennel is particularly rich in beta-carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body. 100 grams of the tuber cover almost our entire daily requirement. Fennel is also an ideal supplier of B vitamins. Besides minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus, fennel has antioxidants – so-called radical scavengers that make toxins in the body harmless. The highly effective essential oils: anethole, fenchone and menthol, in fennel seeds have a calming effect on all stomach and intestinal complaints. They can therefore relieve nausea, pain and cramps as well as flatulence, and support digestion. Fennel is also the remedy of choice for women who suffer particularly badly from menstrual cramps, as the same essential oils can relieve abdominal cramps. As a medicinal plant, it not only helps against colds and gastrointestinal complaints, it can also calm the nerves and strengthen the heart. Breastfeeding mothers benefit from fennel in two ways: on the one hand, the tuberous vegetable stimulates milk production, and on the other hand, it helps against three-month colic in babies.

Ginger is thought to originate from the Pacific islands. It is cultivated in the tropics and subtropics, with India producing the most, namely half of the total world harvest. Much of this is used for domestic consumption, while China is the number one ginger-exporting country.

Arab spice traders brought the plant to ancient Rome, from where it finally arrived in the German-speaking world in the 9th century. In the Middle Ages, ginger was already an indispensable part of European cuisine. Because of its pungency, it was served as a substitute for pepper. The German name for the root comes from Middle Indian.

The ginseng root has been one of the most important remedies in traditional Asian medicine for more than 2,000 years. It does not act directly against diseases but is said to mobilise the body’s own self-healing powers. The cultivation of the forest plant requires a lot of patience: ginseng grows in the shade, has to be properly watered and has to ripen for six years until the active substances, the so-called ginsenosides, are present in sufficient concentration.

Ginsenosides are among the healthy secondary plant substances. They are mainly found in small secondary and hair roots. The effective extract is produced from washed and then dried ginseng roots in a gentle artisanal process.

A variety of effects are attributed to the ginseng root. Canadian scientists found that ginseng actually makes colds shorter and milder, and also relieves symptoms of asthma and hay fever. US studies have shown that ginseng can help cancer patients cope better with their therapies. It relieves their leaden tiredness (fatigue syndrome) and stimulates the production of happiness hormones, which increases well-being. Ginsenosides also have antibacterial and antiviral effects, they can significantly alleviate chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatism, and encourage brain cells to absorb more sugar and thus help people to concentrate better and think more complexly.

Nutmeg comes from the nutmeg tree and, strictly speaking, is not actually a nut at all, but a seed. It originates from the Banda Islands in Indonesia. Nutmeg has been used in traditional Indonesian medicine for many ailments, such as digestive problems, rheumatism, coughs, nervousness, flatulence, as a stimulant, aphrodisiac and tonic. With its many effects on the body, nutmeg is a true miracle cure. However often underestimated, this spice contains a number of valuable vital substances. These include minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc, folic acid as well as vitamins A, C and B complexes. In addition to the healthy substances that supply the body with important nutrients, strengthen the immune system and support many processes in the organism, nutmeg surprises with many other positive side effects. Ayurvedic healing has used nutmeg for centuries as a natural remedy for problems in the gastrointestinal tract. The extracts of nutmeg have been scientifically proven to contain active ingredients that function as antidiarrhoeal (anti-diarrhoeal) medicines. This can also relieve flatulence and pleasantly relax the stomach. Nutmeg is one of the spices that counteract inflammation with anti-inflammatory properties. Science suspects that the natural pigment quercetin is responsible for this special protective function. Nutmeg is also a natural remedy for depressive moods. The spice stimulates certain neurotransmitters, messenger substances that influence the production of happiness hormones such as serotonin and dopamine. This has a mood-lifting effect and can ease depressive feelings.

The variety of Jamu spices

A colorful palette of aromas and aromatherapy

The world of Jamu spices is as diverse as it is fascinating. These spices not only add variety to the taste in the kitchen, but are also highly valued in traditional medicine and aromatherapy. From spicy turmeric to aromatic ginger and other exotic spices, the selection is breathtaking. In this section, we would like to introduce you to some of these wonderful spices that will not only pamper your palate, but also your senses.

Jamu spices in the modern kitchen

The use of Jamu spices in modern cooking has increased significantly in recent years. More and more people are discovering the diverse flavors and health benefits of these spices. In this section, we would like to share with you some tips and creative ideas on how you can use these spices in your own cooking. Be it in savory dishes, refreshing drinks or even baked goods, Jamu spices bring an exciting range of flavors to your kitchen.

Jamu effect: healing powers from nature

Nature as a pharmacy

Jamu spices are prized not only for their taste, but also for their impressive healing powers. For centuries, people all over the world have used these spices in traditional medicine. In this section, we’ll dive deeper into the world of jamu. We’ll discuss how certain spices can help relieve a variety of health issues, from inflammation and digestive discomfort to supporting the immune system.

Jamu spices for strengthening the immune system

Especially in today’s times when a strong immune system is crucial, Jamu spices play an important role. Some of these spices are known for their immune-boosting properties. We will dig deeper into how they can help strengthen your immune system and make you more resistant to diseases. This section offers insights into the natural ways to boost your immunity.

The use of Jamu spices in the kitchen

Culinary adventures with Jamu spices

Jamu spices offer you the opportunity to experience culinary adventures. Each of these spices has its unique flavor and can transform a meal from ordinary to extraordinary. In this section, we will explore the culinary possibilities of Jamu spices and how they can spice up your recipes.

Recipes with Jamu spices

If you’re ready to try the magic of Jamu cuisine for yourself, we’ve put together some inspiring recipes for you. From spicy curries to refreshing drinks, these recipes will take your taste buds on an exciting journey. We not only share the recipes, but also give tips on how to best use the spices.

The magic of Jamu spices in everyday life

Jamu spices for beauty and wellness

The uses of Jamu spices are not limited to cooking and medicine. They are also becoming increasingly popular in the beauty and wellness industry. In this section, we will explore how these spices can be used topically to support your skin care and well-being.

Jamu spices in everyday life

Incorporating Jamu spices into your daily routine can provide many benefits, whether as part of your morning routine or as a means of managing stress. In this section, we provide practical tips on how to incorporate Jamu spices into your daily routine.

Jamu spices in the modern world

The role of Jamu spices in modern medicine

The importance of Jamu spices in modern medicine is constantly growing. More and more research shows the enormous potential of these spices in the treatment and prevention of diseases. Here we will shed light on how these spices are being integrated into modern medicine and what role they could play in the healthcare of the future.

Availability of Jamu Spices

In order to use the best Jamu spices, it is important to know where and how to purchase them. We give you helpful tips on how to get high-quality Jamu spices, be it in stores, at markets or online.

Dosage and use of Jamu spices

The correct dosage

Proper dosage of Jamu spices is crucial to achieve optimal results and avoid potential side effects. In this section, we will recommend how to safely dose the spices depending on your individual needs and intended use.

The importance of Jamu spices for health

Health Benefits of Jamu Spices

The health benefits of Jamu spices are varied and impressive. We will explore the different aspects and explain in detail how certain spices can help promote health, covering both physical and mental health.

The power of Jamu spices

Turmeric, ginger, lemongrass, and many other spices used in Jamu medicine offer a wide range of health benefits. These spices are rich in valuable ingredients such as curcumin in turmeric, gingerol in ginger, and citronellal in lemongrass. Their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and digestive properties make them true superfoods.

Turmeric, for example, has been shown to be a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and is often used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Ginger, a versatile spice, can relieve nausea and aid digestion. Lemongrass not only aids digestion but also acts as a natural sedative.

Jamu Spices: The Future of Natural Medicine

The growing importance of naturopathy

At a time when people are increasingly seeking natural healing methods, Jamu spices could play a central role. The centuries-old Indonesian tradition of Jamu medicine not only offers delicious flavors, but also a wealth of health benefits. The use of spices in natural medicine is growing in popularity around the world as people seek holistic approaches to promote their well-being.


An important aspect of jamu spices is the way they are prepared in drinks and tinctures. Traditionally, the spices are crushed to release their essential oils and then mixed with water, tamarind and palm sugar. The result is a refreshing drink with a complex flavor profile that appeals to both the senses and the body.

Great recipes for preparing Jamu can be found here .


More and more people around the world are recognizing the value and effectiveness of Jamu spices in natural medicine. Whether as part of detox programs, to strengthen the immune system or simply to promote general well-being – Jamu spices are finding their place in modern kitchens and health regimes.

FAQs: Frequently asked questions about Jamu spices

questions and answers

Finally, we answer five frequently asked questions about Jamu spices to clear up any confusion and deepen your understanding.

1. What are Jamu spices?

Jamu seasonings are a unique blend of spices, plants and herbs used in traditional Indonesian medicine and cuisine. They have diverse flavor profiles and health benefits.

2. Which spices go into Jamu?

Commonly used jamu spices include ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, galangal, and many others. Each of these spices has specific properties and flavors.

3. How are Jamu spices traditionally used?

Traditionally, jamu spices are used in the form of teas, juices and potions to treat various health ailments. They are also widely used in Indonesian cuisine.

4. What are the health benefits of Jamu spices?

Jamu spices are associated with various health benefits, including anti-inflammatory effects, digestive aid, immune system boosting and skin care.

5. Where can I buy high quality Jamu spices?

You can purchase Jamu spices at well-stocked grocery stores, markets, or online. Be sure to pay attention to the quality and origin of the spices for the best results.

And do you already know about Golden Milk ? It is a mixture of turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, pepper and cardamom.


Here is a list of the most popular and commonly used spices in the preparation of Jamu:

  1. Turmeric (Kunyit) : Known for its anti-inflammatory properties and the golden yellow color it gives to the Jamu drink.
  2. Ginger (Jahe) : Aids digestion and relieves nausea. It gives the Jamu a pleasant spiciness.
  3. Lemongrass (Sereh) : Adds a refreshing lemon flavor to the drink and also has anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Tamarind (Asam Jawa) : Adds acidity to the drink and aids digestion.
  5. Galangal (Lengkuas) : Similar to ginger but has a slightly different flavor and is often used in jamu recipes.
  6. Kaffir lime leaves (Daun Jeruk Purut) : Give the drink a citrus flavor and are rich in essential oils.
  7. Palm Sugar (Gula Merah) : Used to add sweetness and balance the flavor.
  8. Coriander seeds (Ketumbar) : Can add an earthy note to the jamu.
  9. Cardamom (Kapulaga) : Adds a spicy aroma.
  10. Cumin (Jinten) : Has a nutty flavor and is used in some Jamu variations.
  11. Cloves (Cengkeh) : Often used in small amounts for a spicy flavor.
  12. Cinnamon (Kayu Manis) : Gives the drink a sweet and warm taste.
  13. Pepper (Lada) : Can be used to add a slight spiciness to the jamu.

These spices are often used in different combinations to make jamu with different flavors and for different health purposes. Note that the choice of spices may vary depending on the region and personal taste.